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Tea Culture Festival: 4-day showcase for whole country

POURING boiling water over cured tea leaves, watching them stretching in the water and inhaling the aroma is one of life’s pleasures.

Originated in China as a medicinal drink, tea has become popular among all walks of people.

For tea fans, the 21st annual Shanghai International Tea Culture Festival, beginning next Friday in Zhabei District, promises a feast. It will run for four days.

Since starting in 1994, the event has attracted 3 million visitors from 30 provinces in China and 20 countries including Japan, South Korea, the US, France and Morocco.

With a theme of “Tea Culture, Tea Industry, Tea Health,” this year’s festival will feature the tea industry, a tea business fair and tea tourism. There will also be lectures, exhibitions, tea tastings, brewing contests and youth tea ceremony competitions.

Tea, of course, is far more than the world’s second-most popular beverage, after water.

Tea is a tonic, a traditional medicinal therapy — good for digestion, heart health, immunity and complexion. It’s a source of inspiration for poetry and painting.

You can find any kind of tea here — black, white, green, red flower teas, fruit teas, herbal teas and infusions as well as traditional teas made from the leaves of the East Asian shrub.

Since 2003, the tea culture festival has built a bridge among famous tea-growing and tea culture regions such as Xinchang in Zhejiang Province, Yixing in Jiangsu Province and Kunming in Yunnan Province.

Shanghai is providing a tailor-made tourism route through its famous tea houses and tea markets.

Some of the highlight events

• Opening gala

It features tea culture dancing and singing, performance of tea history and tea etiquette.

Date: May 30, 10:15-11am

Venue: Haishang Culture Center, 1222 Pingxingguan Rd

How to get there: Metro Line 1 Shanghai Circus World Station

• The Shanghai Tea Industry Fair

It will attract enterprises from provinces and cities throughout China to exhibit their new teas, tea technology and related products.

There will also be a trade fair featuring promotions for new products to encourage tea consumption. Tea contests will involve tea brewing, best varieties and performing tea ceremonies.

Enthusiasts can visit the Songyuan Garden Teahouse to enjoy traditional performances during the festival.Date: May 30-June 2

Venue: Shanghai Difute International Tea Culture Square, 1165 Gonghexin Rd

How to get there: Metro Line 1 Yanchang Road Station

• Shanghai International Children’s Tea Ceremony

Date: May 24, 10am

Venue: Shanghai Daning Life Hub, 1878-2008 Gonghexin Rd

How to get there: Metro Line 1 Shanghai Circus World Station


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