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June 17, 2016

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Film company to target youth market

A lot more new films aimed at China’s vast youth market are in the pipeline, officials from Heyi Pictures announced yesterday at the ongoing Shanghai International Film and TV Festival.

Action star Jackie Chan will produce and star in a sci-fi blockbuster, which will begin shooting in China and Australia in July.

Other projects include a romantic film adapted from online novelist Tong Hua’s work “The Starry Night, the Starry Sea,” the youth film “Genius J” and the comedy “Yes, Boss!”

Many of the new projects have been inspired by the most popular reality series and online series in China.

Meanwhile, the makers of “Better Angels”, a 90-minute documentary film about Sino-US relations met the press yesterday.

The film was produced by William Mundell and directed by British two-time Academy Award winner Malcolm Clarke. It is expected to be released globally this year. It took Clarke 3 years to shoot the film. He and his team interviewed several hundred people involved in Sino-US relations, including former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, Chinese property tycoon Wang Jianlin, and scholars and entrepreneurs in both countries.

“I used to know very little about China,” said Clarke. “China shocked me and impressed me.

“China is no longer a country behind the Great Wall.

He added: “It is an extraordinary country.”

More about “Better Angels” on B4


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