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June 13, 2016

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Shakespeare legend takes center stage

THE legendary British actor Ian McKellen made a bold declaration at Shanghai’s famous matchmaking corner in People’s Park: “77 years, house in London, still active.”

The spot has for sometime now been a local romantic institution, providing parents and matchmakers with a venue for posting the personal details of singletons in the hopes of finding them a suitable partner.

The veteran thespian’s public plea for love on Saturday made for a whimsical first impression for locals, who later had a chance to hear him speak about his storied career as a Shakespearean actor, as well as see him relive some of his most celebrated past performances.

On Saturday afternoon, the Shanghai Theater Academy was packed with fans, mostly university students, eager to see the septugenarian, who is best know to some for his film role as Gandalf the Grey.

The talk was part of the British Council’s Smart Talk program, a series of master classes, lectures and workshops aimed at giving people in China insights into UK education.

McKellen, famous for his stage and cinematic portrayal of many Shakespearean characters, performed some of his most famous scenes and shared his memories of the many plays he has performed in.

The actor was invited to Shanghai to help launch Shakespeare on Film, which will feature cinematic interpretations of The Bard during the Shanghai International TV and Film Festival.

The showcase is part of the British Council’s Shakespeare Live campaign commemorating the 400th anniversary of the playwright’s death.

“Shakespeare is always getting re-invented, and we never get to the bottom of it!” McKellen said at the end of the show.


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