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May 30, 2014

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Cop draws gun to stop fleeing drunk driver

A DRUNK driver who broke through a police barricade was stopped by an officer who drew his gun just days before the CICA summit.

While checking vehicles at a checkpoint early on May 15 on the junction of Yongtai and Changqing roads in the Pudong New Area, officers Yu Lizhong and Zhou Shumin spotted a gray Mazda sedan slowing down about 100 meters away.

As Yu and Zhou approached the car, the driver, Liu Xiaohui, abruptly accelerated, broke the barricade and got away.

The two cops gave him chase but Liu did not stop.

Zhou, who was driving the police vehicle, turned off the rotating lights, while Yu loaded his gun. They caught up with Liu at the junction of Sanlin and Shangnan roads.

Yu got off and ordered Liu to get out but he tried to reverse the car. Yu drew his gun and shouted: “Stop the car and turn the engine off! Otherwise I’ll shoot!”

A stunned Liu eventually relented. It turned out he was avoiding the cops because he had consumed alcohol. Tests showed the alcohol level in his blood was 163mg/100ml, more than double the legal limit of 80mg/100ml. He is now put in criminal detention.


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