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Jackie Chan's son, Taiwan actor in custody for drug use, report says

JAYCEE Chan, son of Jackie Chan, and actor Kai Ko, are believed to be in police custody in Beijing for taking drugs, Beijing Times reported today.

The story originally broke on Weibo, with a microblogger going by the name of "Xu Hang" posting a message that Ko, 23, had been caught by police for drug use. The microblogger also said his father had interrogated Ko.

Beijing Times reported that the Weibo post was true.

Ko's agent said she couldn't contact the Taiwanese actor as he is on holiday.

Taiwan media reports said Jaycee Chan was with Ko at the time. Jaycee Chan's agent also said she couldn't contact her client.

Ko will face a 15-day detention, according to Taiwan media.

Both entertainers have not updated their Weibo accounts since August 12, the report said, adding the case may involve a criminal matter more serious than drug use.

Jaycee Chan?s father is famous worldwide for his martial arts action movies, while Ko shot to fame in the movie "The Girl We Sought For in Those Days."


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