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May 22, 2014

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President urges an end to outdated thinking

PRESIDENT Xi Jinping called for a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security strategy for Asia in the keynote speech at the 4th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia  in Shanghai yesterday.

Asia is at a crucial stage in security cooperation, he said. With 67 percent of the world’s population and a third of the global economy, the region needs to build on past achievements and strive for new progress.

One cannot live in the 21st century with the outdated thinking of Cold War and zero-sum games, Xi said.

“No country should seek absolute security of itself at the expense of others,” he said. “We cannot just have security for one or a few countries while leaving the rest insecure.”

He added: “A military alliance which is targeted at a third party is not conducive to common regional security.”

Xi called for equal security for every Asian country, saying that each had an equal right to participate in regional security affairs and an equal responsibility to uphold security.

“No country should attempt to dominate or infringe upon the rights and interests of other countries,” he said.

Xi also said diversity and differences should be turned into energy and a driving force for security cooperation.

“We should abide by the basic norms governing international relations, such as respecting sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity; non-interference in internal affairs; and respecting social systems and chosen development paths.”

Asia’s security challenges were extremely complicated, he said, as he pledged “zero tolerance” for terrorism, separatism and extremism.

“We should take into account the historical background and reality of Asia’s security issues, adopt a multi-pronged and holistic approach, and enhance regional security governance in a coordinated way.

Xi added: “While tackling immediate security challenges, we should plan for the future, and avoid a fragmented, palliative approach that only treats the symptoms.”

Security problems in Asia should be solved by Asians themselves through cooperation. He urged countries in the region to insist on resolving disputes through peaceful means and oppose the arbitrary use of force or threats. Provocation and escalation of tensions for selfish interests should be opposed.

Xi called on Asia to work for sustainable and durable security, focused on both development and security. Development is the foundation of security and security a precondition for development, he said.

“We need to focus on development, actively improve people’s lives, narrow the wealth gap and cement the foundation of security.”

Xi proposed making the conference into a security dialogue and cooperation platform covering the whole of Asia.

He called for improvements to the functions of the secretariat, and the establishment of a mechanism for defense consultations among member states.

Xi suggested widening the inclusiveness and openness of CICA, better cooperation with other organizations, and expanding dialogue and communication with other regions.

China took over the CICA chairmanship until 2016 at the summit.


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