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May 21, 2014

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SCO, CICA join forces in fight to maintain security

AN agreement on regional security and stability, the war on terrorism and drug trafficking was signed yesterday by Dmitry Fedorovich Mezentsev, secretary general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Ambassador Cinar Aldemir, executive director of the Secretariat of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.

Mezentsev said the memorandum of understanding had been unanimously approved by both CICA and SCO member states.

He said it was both bodies’ first step in the field of counter-terrorism and it had established a direction and legal framework for future cooperation.

The SCO has come a long way in terms of counterterrorism efforts and gained experience from member states in cracking down on terrorists, drug trafficking and cross-border crime.

“I think we can share them with our CICA partners via exchanges of information so that they can use the experience and knowledge to consolidate their security measures in Asia,” he said.

Aldemir said stability, peace and security in Asia also affected other parts of the world. Since China has assumed chairmanship of CICA, it will contribute not only in the security field but also in economic, environmental and human dimensions.

President Xi Jinping is scheduled to elaborate on China’s diplomatic stance concerning Asian security at the CICA summit in Shanghai today.


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