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Xi proposes anti-extremism treaty, urges joint efforts to combat Internet terrorism

CHINESE President Xi Jinping on Friday called for joint efforts to fight extremism and Internet terrorism among the members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

"Currently, (we) should focus on combating religion-involved extremism and internet terrorism," said Xi when delivering a speech at the 14th meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State in the Tajik capital of Dushanbe.

He suggested the SCO members launch consultation on an anti-extremism convention and initiate studies on a mechanism for actions against internet terrorism.

"(We) should take it as our own responsibility to safeguard regional security and stability, enhance our ability to maintain stability, continue to boost cooperation on law enforcement and security, and improve the existing cooperation mechanisms," said Xi.

The president also called on the SCO members -- China, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- to grant the group's Regional Counter-Terrorism Structure (RCTS) new function to combat drug trafficking at an early date.

"(We) should make concerted efforts to crack down on the 'three evil forces' of terrorism, extremism and separatism," Xi said.


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