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Blonde Brazilian man obsessed with S. Korea undergoes surgery to look 'more Asian'

A white Brazilian man with blonde hair and blue eyes has taken the extraordinary step of undergoing surgery to look like an Asian, Daily Mail reported.

Xiahn, 25, has a love for 'K-pop' and Korean dramas and became obsessed with looking like the locals during his time as an exchange student in the country, according to Daily Mail.

A year at Dongseo University in South Korea gave him the desire to have 'slanted eyes' and dark hair, the report said,.

'I put my fingers inside the eye and pulled. That was the way I wanted to have my eyes,' he told Brazilian newspaper Zero Hora.

Xiahn underwent more than 10 operations to get the desired look, spending more than US$3000 to look remarkably like a natural-born Asian man.



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