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October 6, 2009

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US trio wins Nobel prize in medicine

AMERICANS Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak won the 2009 Nobel Prize in medicine yesterday for discovering a key mechanism in the genetic operations of cells, which has inspired new lines of research into cancer.

The trio solved the mystery of how chromosomes, the rod-like structures that carry DNA, protect themselves from degrading when cells divide.

The Nobel citation said the laureates found the solution in the ends of the chromosomes -- structures called telomeres that are often compared to the plastic tips at the end of shoe laces to keep them from unraveling.

Blackburn and Greider discovered the enzyme that builds telomeres -- telomerase -- and the mechanism by which it adds DNA to the tips of chromosomes to replace genetic material that has eroded away.

The prize-winners' work set the stage for research suggesting that cancer cells use telomerase to sustain their uncontrolled growth. Scientists are studying whether drugs that block the enzyme can fight the disease. In addition, scientists believe that DNA erosion might play a role in some illnesses.

"The discoveries by Blackburn, Greider and Szostak have added a new dimension to our understanding of the cell, shed light on disease mechanisms, and stimulated the development of potential new therapies," the prize committee said in its citation.

It was the first time that two women have been among the winners of the medicine prize, committee members said.

Blackburn, who holds US and Australian citizenship, is a professor of biology and physiology at the University of California, San Francisco. Greider is a professor in the department of molecular biology and genetics at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.

Greider, 48, said she was telephoned at dawn with the news that she had won.

"It's really very thrilling, it's something you can't expect," she told The Associated Press by telephone.

Greider described the research as beginning with experiments aimed at understanding how cells work, not with the idea for certain implications for medicine.

"Funding for that kind of curiosity-driven science is really important," she said, adding that disease-oriented research isn't the only way to reach the answer, but "both together are synergistic," she said.

Blackburn, 60, said: "Prizes are always a nice thing. It doesn't change the research per se, of course, but it's lovely to have the recognition and share it with Carol Greider and Jack Szostak."

London-born Szostak has been at Harvard Medical School since 1979 and is currently professor of genetics at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

The award includes a 10 million kronor (US$1.4 million) prize divided among the winners, a diploma and an invitation to the prize ceremonies in Stockholm on December 10.

The Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, literature and the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced later this week, while the economics award will be made on October 12.

Prize founder Alfred Nobel, a Swedish industrialist who invented dynamite, launched them in his will in 1895.


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