Defeat in first Sino-Japanese war a turning point that shocked China

UNDER the scorching August sun, a vintage, 90-meter-long iron-clad vessel, clearly an anachronism on the seas, is gradually taking shape in Dandong Harbor, one of northern China’s busiest ports. The ship,

August 5, 2014, Tuesday

Japan-China war seen through different lenses

EDITOR'S note: The traumatic war in 1894 between China and Japan has cast a longer shadow than many people think. Today there is a vast body of research on the war and its legacy. How do Japanese view

August 5, 2014, Tuesday

Failed reform hastened end of Qing Dynasty

ON August 19, 1898, Ito Hirobumi (1841-1909) set out from Nagasaki, Japan, on a journey to China as the envoy of Emperor Meiji. Before his departure, Ito had a private audience with the emperor, who told

August 5, 2014, Tuesday

Memories of War of Jiawu colored by less-than-historic portrayals in films, documentaries

CHINESE memories of the War of Jiawu are largely confined to the naval battle that occurred in 1894, and especially to General Deng Shichang, the heroic captain who led an unsuccessful suicidal attack

August 5, 2014, Tuesday


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