Antarctic rescue operation complete: Australia

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) confirmed today that the entrapped Antarctic ships, the Akademik Shokalskiy and the Xue Long, have broken free from the ice in Antarctica and are no longer

January 8, 2014, Wednesday

US vessel on way to rescue stricken ships

A US icebreaker was dispatched yesterday to assist an icebound Russian research ship and Chinese vessel trapped during a rescue bid in the Antarctic.The Polar Star accepted an Australian request to go

January 6, 2014, Monday

Icebreaker Xuelong trapped after Antarctica rescue

China's icebreaker Xuelong has been trapped by heavy floes since yesterday after rescuing passengers on a Russian vessel stranded in Antarctica.Xueying 12, a helicopter on board Xuelong, or Snow Dragon,

January 4, 2014, Saturday

Chinese helicopter ready to rescue passengers on stranded Russian ship in Antarctica

Chinese icebreaker Xuelong has been prepared to rescue passengers and crew members aboard a Russian vessel stuck in sea ice off Antarctica.Xuelong, which left Shanghai in early November on China's 30th

January 1, 2014, Wednesday


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