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October 29, 2021

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Minister hails China’s WTO role

CHINA has fully and effectively fulfilled its World Trade Organization commitments and earned wide recognition from the vast majority of WTO members, the Ministry of Commerce said yesterday.

Since its accession to the WTO in 2001, China has made vigorous efforts to align itself with WTO rules, open its market and abide by the rules, Wang Shouwen, China’s vice minister of commerce, told a press conference on WTO’s eighth trade policy review of China.

China has received full recognition from the director-general of the WTO and the vast majority of WTO members, said Wang, who is also the deputy China International Trade Representative.

China’s overall tariff level has dropped from 15.3 percent at the time of China’s entry into the WTO to 7.4 percent at present, lower than that of all developing members and close to that of developed members of the WTO, he added.

Wang stated that China will take questions, complaints, and even criticism raised by other WTO members seriously, but will not accept those criticisms based on expectations or requirement beyond the WTO’s provisions, as they are unreasonable and unfair.

“Some WTO members raised concerns or expectations in some other areas, which may have exceeded WTO regulations. It is inappropriate for them to say that China has not fulfilled WTO obligations based on their expectations beyond WTO,” the minister said.

Some WTO members also raised the hope that China would further widen its market investment access, which is understandable, but “it is unreasonable, unfair and unacceptable to accuse China of not fulfilling WTO rules.”

His remarks followed the eighth trade policy review of China in Geneva on October 20, when 65 WTO member representatives praised China’s trade policy.


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