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July 23, 2024

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Dashu on its way

Dahu (大暑), or Major Heat, the 12th of the 24 solar terms, falls on July 22 this year, marking the hottest time of the year.

“Treat winter diseases in summer” is a traditional saying. Chronic conditions that flare up in winter, such as bronchitis, emphysema, bronchial asthma, diarrhea and rheumatoid arthritis, can be addressed by applying herbal patches to acupoints and moxibustion. These methods disperse cold, activate blood circulation and clear meridians, which can help alleviate or cure these conditions.

Elderly people, children and those with high blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases should take special care in their daily routines.

There is a folk custom of drinking “summer tea” and eating “summer ginger.”

“Summer tea,” made from a blend of herbs that include honeysuckle, prunella, and licorice, is known for its cooling and heat-dispelling effects. “Summer ginger” involves slicing or juicing fresh ginger and mixing it with brown sugar. This is then covered with gauze and sun-dried. Consumed after the ingredients have thoroughly integrated, it is particularly effective for treating stomach diseases and wind-cold coughing.

Five-bean porridge, made from soybeans, mung beans, adzuki beans, black beans, fried lentils, purple rice and rice, is also advised for this period due to their cooling and fluid-generating properties.


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