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April 30, 2024

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Hamajiang Orchard Park showcases rural development

A new orchard in Jinze Town will serve as a showcase for the rural development in Qingpu.

The Hamajiang Orchard Park incorporates cutting-edge cultivation techniques and advanced agricultural concepts. It emphasizes a green and eco-friendly approach by applying high-quality organic fertilizers under standardized and improved management.

It grows over 100 different varieties of fruits, including peach, grape and persimmon.

The Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences uses the orchard as a demonstration base for its rural rejuvenation initiatives, carrying out various key research and technology activities at the city level.

It will explore intelligent and protected agriculture, and widely apply reflective membranes and grass cover for soil development and soil testing for fertilizing technologies to increase fruit quality and improve producing processes, according to Huang Wei, director of the orchard.

It is actively spreading seedling and cultivation technology to assist local farmers in learning new technologies while also creating jobs and upgrading the local farming business.

The orchard is expected to serve as a new model of development for modern urban agriculture in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta region, with support from the district and city agriculture and rural affairs departments, as well as the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the Shanghai Agricultural Technology Promotion Service Center.

It has accumulated extensive experience in fruit farming and soil ecology, as well as a leading position in fruit quality, according to Cai Youming, director of the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

The orchid will be transformed into an urban agricultural and tourism complex integrating farming experience and homestay inns. Various gardening workshops will be held, and a children’s paradise will be built with amusement rides and farming areas. Study tours will also be arranged to educate children about farming.


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