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Poly Grand Theater announces stellar program, celebrates 10th anniversary

RENOWNED choreographer and visual artist Shen Wei’s double bill “Folding” and “Near the Terrace” have marked the start of the Shanghai Poly Grand Theater’s new performance season.

The season will feature 36 stage productions in 73 performances through to December.

Designed by famed Japanese architect Tadao Ando, the theater, located in suburban Jiading District, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. The programs for the new season cover music, dance, drama and shows for children.

“Folding” and “Near the Terrace” are Shen’s avant-garde classics. The two Shanghai performances last weekend were presented by dancers from France, China and the United States.

Shen was born in a traditional opera family, but went to Guangzhou to study in the country’s first professional modern dance class.

“It was difficult to switch to dance, but I really love exploring the esthetics of body movement,” said Shen.

Shen applied for a scholarship in 1995 and went to the US. At the age of 26, he carried with him Eastern culture and absorbed elements from the Western world.

“Folding” was created by Shen for the Guangdong Modern Dance Company in 2000. After its success, Shen created a sister piece “Near the Terrace.”

After more than two decades, Shen restaged the classic works in Shanghai, upgrading the stage setting, costumes and lighting.

“To introduce other art forms into dance can develop more possibilities for dance and bring a richer perspective to the audiences,” he added.

“That’s why we added video and other new elements into the works.”

As for music performances, the Brandenburgisches Staatsorchester Frankfurt will give a concert under the baton of Jorg-Peter Weigle on September 30 — the Poly Grand Theater’s 10th birthday. Violinist Yang Tianwa will join the performance.

French musical comedy “Sax” will meet audiences at the theater on October 27. The performance is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

As for drama, Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center’s “12 Angry Men” will be performed on November 29 and 30.

“The Dream Interrupted,” starring Chinese comedy star Chen Peisi and his son Chen Dayu, will return to Shanghai stage from December 5 to 8.

There are dramas, musicals and acrobatic shows for children in October.

The Poly Grand Theater will continue with its Social Aesthetic Education series in the new season. Performances of the series will be made accessible to audiences at a low price between 30 yuan (US$4.20) and 80 yuan.

Those interested can follow the theater’s official WeChat account “SHPGT2014” for more information.

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