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China proposes to set up regional security cooperation architecture

CHINA is opposed to zero-sum game, said Chinese President Xi Jinping today, proposing to set up regional security cooperation architecture based on the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).

In his key-note speech at the CICA summit held in Shanghai, Xi said one cannot live in the 21st century with the outdated thinking from the age of Cold War and zero-sum game.

"We believe it is necessary to advocate common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security in Asia," he said.

Calling the CICA the largest and most representative regional security forum with the largest number of participants, Xi proposed to make the CICA a security dialogue and cooperation platform that covers the whole of Asia.

He called for efforts to enhance the capacity and institutional building of the CICA, improve the functions of the CICA Secretariat, and establish a mechanism within the CICA for defense consultations among member states.

Xi expected closer regional exchanges and cooperation in anti-terrorism, business, tourism, environmental protection, culture and people-to-people exchanges.

The Chinese president proposed to put in place a non-governmental exchange network for CICA various parties through holding CICA non-governmental forums and other means, to increase CICA's influence and promote regional security governance.

He also suggested to strengthen the inclusiveness and openness of the CICA, and step up cooperation with other organizations in the region and expand dialogue and communication with other regions.

"China will fulfill the responsibilities as CICA chairman and work with other sides to further improve the status and role of CICA, to take Asian security cooperation to a higher level," Xi said.

The Shanghai summit drew dignitaries from 47 countries or international organizations. China took over the CICA presidency from Turkey for 2014 to 2016 at the summit.


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