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June 14, 2016

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Ang Lee joins film discussion

OSCAR-WINNING director Ang Lee joined a forum yesterday at the 2016 Shanghai International Film and TV Festival focusing on topics including China’s booming box office and the making of good films.

China is expected to surpass the United States, currently in first place at the box office, in 2017, according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers report, which added that the Chinese film industry is still relatively immature, and more systemic support, capital and talent are needed to develop it further.

Lee said people in China’s film industry should take full advantage of the current boom by laying the groundwork for future filmmakers.

“I hope now is the beginning of a golden age. Everyone should take the opportunity to establish a positive cycle in the industry, so everyone can get better and better,” he said.

Lee pointed out two pitfalls China’s maturing film industry is facing.

The first is making films solely for the purpose of making money, which he said results in formulaic productions that filmgoers lose interest in over time. “The increase in capital is a good sign, it’s a very good thing, but what I want to say is that it’s easy to walk into the money trap and become boring, and when the audiences are not just disliking the genre, but thinking watching films no longer matters, we have hurt own industry,” he told the forum.

He said the other pitfall is placing too much emphasis on stars. Spending most of the budget on celebrity actors means cutting the amount spent on other areas such as production and set construction, adding that filmmaking should be about “touching people’s hearts.”


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