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Cast of ‘Better Angels,” documentary film about Sino-US relationship, meets the press in town

CAST of "Better Angels," a 90-minute documentary film about Sino-US relationship and mutual understanding held a meeting with press today at the ongoing 2016 Shanghai International Film and TV Festival.

The film, a joint effort of America, Canada and China, is produced by William Mundell, Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Mundell's son, and helmed by British two-time Academy Award-winning director Malcolm Clarke. It is expected to have global release this year.

It took Clarke 3 years to shoot the film. He and his team interviewed several hundred people involved in Sino-US cooperation and exchanges, including former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, Chinese real-estate tycoon Wang Jianlin, scholars and entrepreneurs in both countries.

"I used to know very little about China," said Clarke. "China shocked me and impressed me. China is no longer a country behind the Great Wall. It is an extraordinary country."

Mundell said that they invited Clarke to be the director because he can tell the stories with fresh ideas.

"It is a story about how ordinary people seek to break down barriers between the two countries," Mundell said, adding that he hopes the film can improve mutual understanding on both sides and open up more opportunities for cooperation.


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