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January 26, 2016

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Safety fears over temporary car plates

SHANGHAI’S transport commission is looking at ways to ensure that motorists with temporary license plates do not flout the law against speeding, a senior official said yesterday.

Chen Ping, a local legislator, proposed that the current temporary plate — a sheet of paper stuck on the windshield — be replaced with a plate made of materials that can be properly detected by traffic surveillance cameras.

“Many drivers with the temporary plates are more likely to disobey the traffic rules since they have fewer chances of being caught by cameras,” Chen said.

Local police recorded 286 traffic rule violations by drivers of vehicles with temporary car licenses at Shanghai Railway Station in 2015, according to Chen.

Local drivers can apply for temporary plates and use them for three months before they obtain an official plate at the monthly license plate auction. However, the success rate for bidders at the car auction is less than five percent.

After their temporary plates expire, drivers can apply for non-Shanghai temporary plates. The commission is studying the proposal for new temporary plates and will issue new rules soon, Xie Feng, the new head of the commission, told Shanghai Daily on the sidelines of the annual session of Shanghai People’s Congress.

Guo Youlong, a local political adviser, proposed that the commission extend the duration of the temporary plates to 18 months.


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