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March 1, 2017

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Crackdown on fire hazards

THE fire department will crack down on safety violations and tighten controls after a recent spike in accidents.

Ten people died in three separate fires between February 11 and 15.

Investigations are continuing, but the fire department said the incidents exposed vulnerabilities in the city’s fire safety management.

Four people died in a fire on February 15 because the building’s evacuation route had been turned into living space and there was a shortage of fire extinguishers.

The department said this is a common problem.

The authority also said many residents used electrical appliances, such as kettles, that were unsafe and faulty wiring was common.

It will focus inspections on dormitories and rented apartments, many of which are converted from factories.

One hundred residential communities have been ordered to upgrade fire security in the past year.

Many of the city’s older buildings, often home to the elderly, are poorly equipped for fire safety.

More than 10,000 residential complexes held fire evacuation exercises last year, involving 1.3 million residents. To improve fire safety protection for the elderly, Hongkou and Baoshan districts installed fire detectors in 23,000 homes of the elderly, disabled or people living alone.

Fengxian District also invested 15 million yuan (US$2.2 million) to renovate 25 nursing homes last year to improve fire safety.

About 1.2 million fire risks were fixed last year and 10.9 million square meters of illegal construction was demolished. More than 10,000 residents were ordered out of their homes.


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