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March 14, 2014

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Growing pains in US relations ‘only natural’

CHINA and the United States should expand common interests while respecting each other’s core concerns and properly manage differences to raise the level of bilateral relations, Premier Li Keqiang said yesterday.

He said President Xi Jinping and President Barack Obama met in California last year and reached consensus on a new relationship model between the world’s largest developing country and its largest developed country.

The defining features are non-conflict and win-win cooperation, Li said.

Due to different historical and cultural backgrounds and development stages, it was natural for the two countries to have differences on certain matters but these were just growing pains amid increasing cooperation, said the premier.

“As long as the two sides respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, properly manage their differences and engage in equal consultations, and, in particular, continue to expand their common interests, the two countries will be able to further raise the level of their relationship,” he said.

The common interests of China and the US far outweigh their differences, said Li, adding that the volume of bilateral trade registered over US$520 billion in 2013.

 “There is much more that we can do to further unleash the potential of Sino-US cooperation,” Li said.

“The wise people will seek their common interests, while the unwise ones will focus on their differences,” the premier added, citing a Chinese saying.

“China and the US need to focus more on common ground in pursuit of long-term benefits.”


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