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Panchen Lama prays for Yunnan quake victims

THE 11th Panchen Lama, Bainqen Erdini Qoigyijabu, has led a sutra-chanting ritual praying for victims of last Sunday's Yunnan earthquake, in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region.

After the ceremony in Tashilumpo Monastery in Xigaze on Saturday morning, the Panchen Lama donated 150,000 yuan (US$24,000) for the quake relief.

"May the suffering for the living stop, and the deceased get relief in the afterlife," he said in the blessing.

The chanting of the Buddhist salvation sutra lasted for more than hour.

Monk Lhapa with the monastery said although he can not go to the quake zone to help victims, he feels their pain.

"I hope they can rebuild their homes as soon as possible," he said.

A 69-year-old Tibetan who gave his name as Lhozhag said he has been coming to the monastery everyday to pray for people in Yunnan.

The 6.5-magnitude earthquake has left at least 617 people dead.


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