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March 14, 2014

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‘Zero tolerance’ for corrupt officials

PREMIER Li Keqiang says China has “zero tolerance” for corruption however senior the culprit, as the country’s leaders press forward with a much-publicized anti-graft campaign.

“We will show zero tolerance to those corrupt behaviors and corrupt officials,” Li said at his press conference in Beijing.

“No matter who he is and how senior his position is, if he violates Party discipline and the laws of the country, he will be seriously dealt with and punished to the full extent of the law, because everybody is equal before the law.”

Li made apparent reference to the motivational book, “Who Moved My Cheese?,” a US bestseller that counsels businesspeople on how to adapt to change. “In the course of reform, the vested interests will be shaken, and some people’s cheese will be moved, so to speak,” Li said.

“For example, in the course of power delegation, some government departments will find fewer powers in their own hands, and in boosting market competition and easing market access, some existing companies will feel greater pressure.”

Li returned to his “declaration of war” comments last week when he said: “To declare a war against smog doesn’t mean that we are going to declare a war against nature.

“Rather, what we mean is that we are going to declare a war against our own inefficient and unsustainable model of growth and way of life.”


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