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Chinese swimmers most tested athletes

Statistics have shown that swimmers from China were the most tested athletes ahead of the Paris Olympic Games, as revealed by World Aquatics on Tuesday.

“The testing program, designed and implemented by the International Testing Agency, encompasses a wide range of tests conducted both in and out-of-competition,” read a press release by the world governing body of six aquatic sports.

“In total, 2,145 anti-doping tests have been conducted by World Aquatics on athletes participating in the Olympic Games in Paris since 1 January 2024.

“Including tests conducted by other anti-doping organizations, aquatics athletes competing in Paris have been tested an average of 3.4 times, with 4,774 taken in total. This is the most tests ever conducted by World Aquatics before an Olympic Games.”

World Aquatics emphasized that Chinese swimmers were the most tested during this period as “the 31 swimmers from China competing in Paris have each been tested at least 10 times by World Aquatics, with an average of 13 tests per swimmer.”

“World Aquatics conducted a total of 418 tests through this program. All Chinese swimmers have been tested out-of-competition at least eight times by World Aquatics, independently of any other anti-doping organization.”


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