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March 24, 2016

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Brussels victims from around the world

THEY came from Peru or Morocco, from North America or Europe, and their lives were just as diverse.

That is the emerging picture of the hundreds of people fated to be killed or wounded in the triple bomb attack in Brussels.

Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders told Belgian television RTBF there were around 40 nationalities among the dead and wounded.

They included citizens of Britain, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Portugal and the United States, as well as three to four staff from the EU’s executive arm, the European Commission.

The broad range of nationalities reflects the cosmopolitan nature of Brussels — home to many migrants to Belgium as well as the institutional capital of the 28-nation European Union.

Among the first fatalities to be named was a Peruvian woman, Adelma Marina Tapia Ruiz, who had been living in Belgium for six years and was traveling with her husband and twin daughters. One daughter was wounded in the blasts at Zaventem airport.

“They took away everything she wanted to do with her life,” her brother Fernando Tapia said.

A Moroccan woman was killed in a third blast at a metro station close to the European Union’s institutional hub.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said 10 French nationals had been injured.

In London, Downing Street said one British national was missing and four were injured.

Mason Wells, 19, was one of three missionaries from Utah seriously wounded at the airport, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said.

In a dark twist of fate, Wells had a similarly close call three years ago while in Boston accompanying his mother who was running the marathon.

The event was the target of a terror attack that killed three and wounded scores more.

He was also in Paris in November when the French capital was rocked by a series of attacks.


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