Ebola virus gives nurse meningitis

A SCOTTISH nurse who contracted and initially recovered from Ebola, but then suffered relapsing illness, has meningitis caused by the virus persisting in her brain, her doctors said yesterday. Pauline

October 22, 2015, Thursday

Ebola returns to Liberia as youth succumbs

LIBERIA announced the return of Ebola yesterday following the death of a 17-year-old boy, dealing a worrying blow to the country’s recovery three months after its last known case. Deputy health minister

July 1, 2015, Wednesday

China hands over more medical supplies to Ebola-stricken Sierra Leone

CHINA on Friday handed over a new batch of medical supplies worthy of US$15 million to the government of Sierra Leone. The supplies included 40 ambulances, 10 pickup vans, 30 motorbikes, as well as 1,000

March 14, 2015, Saturday

Quarantine for Sierra Leone VP over Ebola

Sierra Leone’s Vice President Sam Sumana has placed himself in quarantine following the Ebola death of one of his guards, as the country reintroduced travel restrictions following a rise in the number

March 2, 2015, Monday


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