Another Hudec masterpiece

HUDEC'S legacy If the Peace Hotel is a gigantic ship loaded with memories, the Normandie Apartments on Huaihai Road is another. I live near the Normandie Apartments and enjoy crossing through its graceful

April 3, 2015, Friday

Hudec’s Green House still looks modern today

THE Green House was loved so much by its owner D.V. Woo that he and his concubine lived there even after most of his relatives emigrated abroad after 1949. Woo once said, “If I die, I will die in the

March 20, 2015, Friday

Aurora College design became reflection of its altered function

IN the late 1930s, L.E. Hudec designed a Gothic building for Aurora College for Women that mirrored his previous McTyeire School for Girls. But he later changed the plan to an entirely modern structure

March 6, 2015, Friday

A shining ‘star’ built with class in Spanish style

ESTRELLA means “star” in Spanish, which seems an apt name for the Estrella Apartment Building designed by Laszlo Hudec in 1927. Perched at the corner of Avenue Joffre (today’s Huaihai Road) and Route

February 13, 2015, Friday


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