No. 33 - The beginning and the end

FINALLY, the last point on the map, No. 33, is colored blue. That means today is the last article of the Bund series covering 23 heritage buildings. Last summer I kicked off the series to tell stories

May 29, 2013, Wednesday

No. 28 - Shipping line with refined details

THE latest renovation on the Bund is No. 28, once the offices of a shipping line and now the Shanghai Clearing House of the Central Bank of China. Michelle Qiao explores it with an architect. No. 28

April 24, 2013, Wednesday

No. 27 - From powerful trading house to luxury club

THE Bund has always been a gallery showcasing power and wealth. No. 27 has housed two historic family enterprises of immense power and wealth, from yesterday until the present. Today, No. 27 on the Bund

April 10, 2013, Wednesday

No. 26 - Monument to early preservationist

PRELUDE Enamored of the city's glamorous life, American writer Emily Hahn extended her stay from several weeks to six years - from 1935 to 1940. Vivacious Hahn had chosen a life around the Bund. She

March 27, 2013, Wednesday


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