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June 24, 2024

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Jiading plans US$14b worth of projects in core industries

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Jiading New City. Since the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), Jiading has been driving the growth of the city’s core industries.

This year, it is stepping up its project-driven approach, arranging 123 big construction projects, including 34 industrial projects, totaling 100.5 billion yuan (US$13.86 billion).

Jiading focuses on three core industries: the “new four modernizations” of automobiles (electrification, Internet of Things, intellectualization, and sharing), integrated circuits and biomedicine.

The Shanghai MedValley Industrial Park, jointly developed by Jiading District and Ruijin Hospital, opened in October 2023. Shurui was one of the earliest enterprises to settle here.

The Shurui laparoendoscopic single site surgical robot is the first and only one of its kind in China, utilized for both urology and gynecological surgeries, resulting in more precise operations and less stress.

“What attracted us here is the unlimited potential of multidimensional medical-industrial collaboration,” the company said.

“By working more closely with hospitals and doctors, we can identify gaps, accelerate product updates, and better meet market needs.”

The Shanghai Automotive Chip Valley, which opened in September 2022, is advancing the development of the “new four modernizations” of the automobile and integrated circuit sectors, each worth more than 100 billion yuan.

Shanghai Automotive IC Engineering Center, at the heart of the valley, is responsible for promoting the security of China’s own automotive chip supply chains as well as the country’s self-reliance on automotive chips.

A testing facility was recently established, with around 2,700 square meters of space and over 30 large-scale testing instruments for the first phase of operation.


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