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NACIS education brings out the best in students

NORD Anglia Chinese International School Shanghai (NACIS) caters to students from age 6 to 18 years. We draw on the best of Chinese and Western learning styles and the experience of leading educators to provide a distinctive education program for students.

At NACIS, we are ambitious for every student to succeed academically, personally and socially. We encourage our students to strive for excellence in all that they undertake to achieve. Nord Anglia Education (NAE) schools’ examination results place us amongst the very best in the world and this is achieved with creative, challenging learning and inspirational teaching. Our core belief that every student is an individual and that by providing personalized learning delivered by passionate teachers, we can build on each student’s strengths and help them be great in all they do. NAE graduates have an excellent track record of being offered places in the world’s leading universities. Students can be confident that their results will command respect around the world and open doors to universities and careers.

We are equally passionate about instilling pride and respect in every student, making them able to celebrate both individual and collective achievements. Through our caring environment, we want to help our students grow into knowledgeable, caring, compassionate and internationally-minded global citizens who can contribute to the world. We offer unique opportunities through our Global Campus. Our residentials program extends our curriculum to offer students experiences designed to be fun, challenging, inspiring, and motivating. Living with others brings out the best in everyone. It encourages students to stretch themselves that little bit further, to be relentlessly optimistic, and to be the best they can be.

Our extensive facilities and highly qualified coaching staff give students opportunities to develop, train, compete and succeed at a wide range of team and individual sports. Every student in the Primary and preparatory stage of learning will learn music through a collaborated Juilliard curriculum that inspires them to further develop their musical talents and gives them a chance to shine.

Ambition can take you anywhere, but it’s only the spark. It also takes passion, determination, commitment and courage to make your dreams a reality. And we develop these in our students so they can excel and reach new goals they previously thought impossible.

Our academic program offers students opportunities to become confident independent learners who love coming to school each day. Our teachers blend the best learning objectives from international curriculums with those of the National Curriculum. Students will not be studying both curriculums in their entirety; international and Chinese teachers collaborate over the content and delivery of subjects, ensuring that the most valuable skills are identified and the best methodologies.

The blended curriculum, delivered throughout the primary and preparatory stages of learning, allows students a broad learning platform from which they make decisions about which subjects they wish to pursue for IGCSE and beyond. At the same time, mastery of their mother-tongue allows them to excel in first-language international examinations in Mandarin. Teachers and education councillors work closely with students and their parents to help them make the correct subject choices that will prepare them for the academic rigour of the International Baccalaureate Program. Learning through the IB allows our students to have excellent breadth and depth knowledge whilst flourishing physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically. This philosophy mirrors our own and produces students that are sought after by leading universities across the globe.


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