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May 4, 2017

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Highly unusual leukemia operation

A 26-year-old local woman suffering acute leukemia received a stem cell transplant from her father at Shanghai General Hospital in a highly unusual operation yesterday.

Yang Yingjie received the transplant, which was only a half match of hers, along with another unit of matched umbilical cord blood to reduce rejection.

Yang was also the 2,500th patient to receive an umbilical cord blood transfusion from Shanghai Cord Blood Bank under China Stem Cell Group, the only licensed umbilical cord blood bank in the city.

Yang was found to have acute leukemia last December. She received treatment at Shanghai General Hospital to stabilize her condition for a transplant.

However, she couldn’t find a match at the stem cell donor’s bank and had to use her father’s half-match cell.

“We used a unified stem cell transplant therapy in this case. It is also a new breakthrough of leukemia treatment in recent years,” said Dr Wang Chun from Shanghai General Hospital.

“Each unit of umbilical cord blood is only 50 milliliters, which is not enough for an adult patient,” said Wang. “However a unified transplant with half matched stem cells from an adult donor and a unit of fully matched umbilical cord blood can reduce rejection and streamline the transplant success of half-matched stem cells.”

Stem cells from umbilical cord blood are less mature than those in adult bone marrow, so they are less prone to rejection by the recipient.

Wang said his team had used this therapy to treat some complicated leukemia cases, with good results.


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