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December 25, 2020

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Brazil agency claims Sinovac shot safe

BRAZIL’S state-run Butantan Institute on Wednesday announced that the CoronaVac vaccine developed by the private Chinese laboratory Sinovac Life Science achieved the levels of efficacy against the coronavirus required by the World Health Organization in trials with 13,000 Brazilian volunteers.

“The data corroborate that it is the safest vaccine on the market and we achieved the superiority in efficacy required by the WHO and Brazil’s Health Regulatory Agency,” Dimas Covas, director of the institute, said at a press conference.

The level of efficacy required by the WHO is greater than 50 percent, he said.

“We have reached the level of effectiveness that allows us to request the registration for emergency use of the vaccine both here and in China. It is a historic day for Brazilian science because of the hope it brings to Brazilians,” said Covas.


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