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HK govt seeks LegCo help to pass bills

The Hong Kong government has consulted the Legislative Council on the resumption of second reading of multiple bills, and expected priority would be given to bills including the National Anthem Bill, HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam said yesterday.

The Hong Kong government’s Chief Secretary for Administration Matthew Cheung and relevant principal officials have already written to the LegCo’s House Committee Chairwoman Starry Lee to consult on the resumption of second reading of a total of 10 bills in the LegCo, Lam said.

Two of the bills, the National Anthem Bill and the Patent (Amendment) Bill, have been delayed for a very long time, Lam noted. “We do expect these two bills to be given priority in the resumption of second reading by the Legislative Council.”

Meanwhile, the election for the seventh term of the LegCo is tentatively slated for September 6.

Although the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 has significantly dropped recently, it is not certain whether the outbreak in Hong Kong will end when the 2020 LegCo election is held, the document said, adding that safety measures have been planned in the polling stations and counting stations to ensure electors’ safety and prevent the spread of COVID-19.

It also noted that under the existing statutory provisions, the polling may be postponed or adjourned if it appears to the relevant authority that the election, the poll or the count is likely to be obstructed, disrupted, undermined or seriously affected by climatic condition of a serious nature, riot, open violence or any danger to public health or safety, or an occurrence which appears to be a material irregularity.


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