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Harbin restaurant shut down following diners’ accusation of overpricing and selling fake ‘wild fish’

A fish restaurant which was said to have overcharged diners, who tourists visiting Harbin, capital of northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, has been closed by market watchdog for a series problems, officials said.

Chen Yan, from east China’s Jiangsu Province, claimed he was charged more than 10,000 yuan (US$ 1,535) for a dinner for 20 people on February 9. “Besides the high price, they also gave us short weight,” Chen said on Weibo. 

The bill showed Chen ordered three kinds of fishes with two priced at 596 yuan per kilogram and the other priced at 796 yuan per kilogram. 

It soon attracted wide attention after media reported the incident on Monday. And several other visitors to Harbin later also stood out and complained to media about their experience of being overcharged there. 

And the diners also raised doubts over whether the expensive fishes were "wild' as they were alleged to be by the eatery. Wild fishes are usually pricier than farm-raised ones. 

The Beijing News learnt from local fish traders that wild fish are rare in supply on the market, and usually eatery owners would buy highly similar kind, which is priced no more than maximum of 200 yuan per kilogram, as substitutes. 

A further official investigation is ongoing.


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