Protect yourself from phishing scams

There has been a rise in the number of email phishing scams that are crafted to look as though they come from official Shanghai Daily sources. These emails direct users to a false website where they are asked to update personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers, ID’s and bank account numbers.

Please note that Shanghai Daily takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by users who has been adversely affected by phishing.

Given the importance of this issue and in an effort to combat this cyber threat, Shanghai Daily provides you with following useful tips to ensure that your identity remains well protected during your time here:

1. Do not give out personal information such as a password, credit card number, ID, birthday, etc., upon any request you receive in email without verifying the authenticity of the email.

2. Do not click on anything inside an email without verifying the authenticity of the email.

3. Do not trust the email simply because you think you recognize the sender.

4. Report phishing attempts to Shanghai Daily at

5. Always keep your web browsers up-to-date with the latest security patches.

6. Consider installing an anti-phishing tools to help protect you from known fraudulent websites.

7. If you feel you have been tricked by a phishing scam, or had your identity stolen, contact Shanghai Daily and the police as soon as possible.




1. 在没有确认电子邮件真实性的情况下,请不要应这些邮件的要求提供诸如:密码、信用卡号、身份证号、生日等有关您的个人信息。

2. 在没有确认电子邮件真实性的情况下,请不要点击邮件中的任何链接。

3. 不要仅仅因为您以为知道邮件发送者是谁就轻易信任这样的邮件。

4. 向上海日报online@shanghaidaily.com举报钓鱼邮件。

5. 及时更新您的网页浏览器并升级安全补丁。

6. 安装反钓鱼软件以保护您免受网络诈骗的侵害。

7. 如果您认为已经中了钓鱼网站的骗局,或者您的身份信息等已经被盗取,请立即与上海日报和警方联系。

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