China embraces summit diplomacy in addressing global challenges

AS the world lauded the achievements of the G20 Hangzhou summit earlier this month in addressing a sluggish world economy, China's new approach to foreign affairs became evident: summit diplomacy. G20

September 17, 2016, Saturday

China's commitment vital in global climate action: experts

CHINA sent a strong message about its commitment to the battle against global climate change by ratifying the Paris Agreement earlier this month, experts said. China and the United States formally joined

September 11, 2016, Sunday

‘Carbon-neutral’ G20 summit shows China’s commitment to green growth

THE eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou was believed to have offered the world the greenest G20 summit through a tree-planting project to offset carbon emissions during the meeting, underlining the country’s

September 7, 2016, Wednesday

China will be patient, UK’s May told

PRESIDENT Xi Jinping told British Prime Minister Theresa May he was open to a bilateral trade agreement between the two countries, a British official told reporters at the G20. “Xi said that they wanted

September 6, 2016, Tuesday


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